Child Prodigy Alma Deutscher’s World Premiere of Cinderella

Child prodigy Alma Deutscher made waves in the world of music with the premiere of her first opera, “Cinderella,” in the illustrious city of Vienna. At just 11 years old, Alma’s remarkable talent as a composer, violinist, and pianist shone brightly as her opera debuted at Vienna’s Casino Baumgarten Concert Hall in December 2016.

To ensure Alma looked the part for her momentous performance, the prestigious brand The Small Gatsby was enlisted to dress her. Alma donned a Princess Sisi of Austria-inspired robe from the AW16 collection, meticulously tailored to accommodate her violin playing. Anita Dorner, the brand’s Designer and Creator, and Teresa Zimmerman, Creative Director, collaborated closely with Alma during her rehearsals to craft the perfect ensemble that exuded elegance and comfort.

The world premiere of “Cinderella” marked a significant milestone for Alma, captured in moments of anticipation, concentration, and joy. Alongside Alma, her eight-year-old sister Helen, also a talented musician, graced the stage in attire by The Small Gatsby, adding to the enchanting atmosphere of the event.

Witnessing Alma’s performance left a lasting impression on those involved, including Teresa Zimmerman, who marveled at Alma’s remarkable abilities and unwavering dedication. Alma’s mesmerizing melodies and effortless mastery of her craft left audiences in awe, proving that age is no barrier to artistic brilliance.

Alma’s mother, Janie Steen, expressed gratitude for The Small Gatsby’s contribution, praising the dress for its elegance, comfort, and ability to enhance Alma’s natural beauty on this extraordinary occasion.

As the curtains closed on the premiere of “Cinderella,” Alma Deutscher’s remarkable talent and The Small Gatsby’s impeccable craftsmanship left an indelible mark on the world of music and fashion.

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