Jack and Joel, a duo forged by friendship at university, stood before a less-than-impressed Simon Cowell, prepared to perform an Ed Sheeran cover for their audition. Despite The X Factor judges having witnessed numerous renditions of Sheeran’s songs, Jack and Joel possessed a unique quality that promised to set them apart.
The X Factor showcases a diverse array of individuals from various backgrounds, offering viewers a glimpse into different relationships and dynamics. Jack and Joel epitomized the essence of true friendship, united by their shared passion for music while embracing their individuality. Their audition exuded joy and vitality, as evidenced in the video below:
Duo Blows Judges Away With ED SHEERAN MASH UP | Audition 1 | The X Factor UK 2017
What truly charmed the audience was the genuine bond between Jack and Joel. Meeting at Oxford University and fostering a strong friendship, they ventured into music together, their camaraderie deepening over time. Despite their platonic relationship, their chemistry often led others to mistake them for a couple, a testament to their close connection.
Jack and Joel’s performance featured a mashup of upbeat tracks from Ed Sheeran’s 2017 album, Divide. The album marked a significant milestone in Sheeran’s career, propelling him to greater heights with its eclectic mix of genres and styles. Tracks like “Castle on the Hill” and “Shape of You” became instant hits, spawning numerous remixes. Listen to “Shape of You” below:
Ed Sheeran – Shape of You (Official Music Video)
Despite initial skepticism from Simon Cowell, Jack and Joel’s rendition won over the judges with their undeniable talent and charisma. The panel lauded the duo for their distinct personalities and ability to captivate the audience. While their journey on The X Factor was short-lived, they left a lasting impression and secured a spot in the next phase of the competition.
Although their X Factor stint ended prematurely after reaching the bootcamp and Six Chair Challenge stages, Jack and Joel’s future endeavors remain uncertain. Nevertheless, their genuine friendship and shared passion for music are bound to lead them to new and exciting opportunities. We extend our best wishes to Jack and Joel as they continue to navigate life’s journey together.